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来源:出国劳务网 时间:2010-10-11 作者:出国劳务网 浏览量:


Would you please introduce yourself? 自我介绍

(范例)本人叫***, ***年**月出生, **学校毕业, 来自**省**市,现在XX公司工作,主要从事XX等工作,担任XX(如服务员/领班等等)职位, 本人非常荣幸(高兴)地参加此次面试 ,谢谢贵公司给我提供此次机会,谢谢…..

Hi/Hello, Sir/Madam, My name is ***, born in **, ** year. I graduated from **  school, I come from **city, ** province. After my graduation, I work in ** company as ** position(eg. I work in Bibo Hotel as a waitress.). My resposibility is ……. I am honoured to attend the interview today, thank you for providing me this chance. Thank you!



顾客进来时:Welcome , may I help you? \what I can do for you? \May I take your order?  \ how can I help you?

顾客离开时:Thank you. See you again./See you soon.

[1]  你在单位里主要做什么

- -- -What do you do?/ Whats your job? 

- -- -I work in ** Hoetl as a waiter/ waitress.


- -- -What’s your resposibility?

Reserve the seat for guest  (为顾客预定位子)

Push the dish an d beverage to guest(推销菜肴和酒水)

Settle the bill before guest leaving (顾客离开前买单)

Keep restaurant clean  (保持餐厅清洁)

Keep smiling all the time  (始终保持微笑服务)

Serve customer with dish an d Beverage(帮顾客摆放碗碟及饮品),

Settle the bill for guest.(买单)

Co-operate with manager to ensure outlet under smooth operation


Provide professional service to customers such as Introduce drinks an d

foods for customers(提供专业的服务,比如为顾客介绍饮品和食物。)

Settle the bill.(买单)

Conduct promotion to maintain high revenue.(开展促销活动以增加餐馆的销售额)

Table setting up(摆放餐桌用具等)

Provide professional service to customers(提供专业的服务)

Prepare dishware (准备好碗碟等)

Introduce drinks an d foods for customers(让顾客介绍饮品和食物)

Introduce the hotel’s service to customers(向顾客介绍酒店的各种服务)

Take order an d arrange the seat for customers(点菜并为顾客准备好座位)

Assist the captain to make sure the hotel’s operation well.



你是哪里人?(where are you from?)- -I’m from ***.

家里有多少人?(How many people in your family?)—There are ** in my family.They are my father, mother, sister/brother an d I.

他们主要做什么?(What do they do? )

会不会想家?(Will you be homesick?)- -Yes,but now it’s very convenient to contact through telephone Or computer.When I miss my family, then call them.

父母支持自己出国工作吗?(Will your parents support you to go abroad to work Or not?)- --They support me to go because they hope me to earn more money an d develop myself.



能不能经受长期加班或轮班工作?(Can you undertake over-time work Or shift work?)

是否服从公司的安排和管理?(Can you follow company’s arrangement an d manager’s direction?)

一般说法:服从领导和执行领导为原则(I’d like to follow manager’s direction.)

[4]你为什么去新加坡工作?(Why do you want to go to Singapore to work?)

你对新加坡的了解如何?一般说新加坡是个风景非常优美,法制比较健全,也比较公平的国家等等赞誉之词。(It is known that Singapore is a very beatuiful an d clean Country, its legal system is healthy.)

想去新加坡工作的目的最好说在国内的工资不高,主要是想到国外好好工作,拿更多更高的薪水等等。(I want to make more money meanwhile enrich my working experience. )

[5]有什么业余爱好等(What’s your hobby / interest?)

- --play basketball/football, listen to music, travel,reading……


  1)、带夸张饰物  2)、头发乱或过多摩丝  3)、手指甲长或很脏 



b、回答问题用英语回答(pls try to speak English),如果专业性比较强的英语尽量避开,不要使用地域性很强的方言和简称或俗语,尤其是企业名称和工作内容等,会影响外方的理解.一般雇主问什么问题,你回答什么问题,不要自己拼命提出问题,让雇主回答你的问题,搞的雇主对你的印象非常不好。


d、如果没有听清问题,可以有礼貌的请对方重复一次,(Sorry, can you repeat? )但一定要注意力非常集中,尽量避开环境比较嘈杂的地方上网。

f、问及薪水问题,最好不要说对方的工资不算很高,自己一定要拿到多少薪水才合适;应该说接受工资待遇,过去后自己也会更加积极努力工作,以好的工作表现争取更高的薪水。(I can accept the salary. But I believe I will get higher salary through my good performance during work.)

g、面试结束后,要非常有礼貌地向雇主道谢,并且可以表达自己希望能被雇主看中,有为雇主效劳的机会。(Thank you for providing me this chance, Looking forward your good news. Thanks!/ Thank you, see you!)



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